The Haunted Ride is a full feature-length VR movie, split into 4 parts.
It tells the story of 4 influences that have disappeared on their way to a music festival. They got an RV and started driving. Little did they know, the RV was haunted and the ghost within it started haunting their dreams and altering their reality until they ultimately lost their minds. 👻
The Haunted Ride is a campy and thrilling horror film. It is clean from gore, appropriate for general audiences, and is an epic step in 360 cinema. The movie was filmed on 8K, and rendered output on 6K monoscopic with spatial sound (Ambisonic sound) and a ton of CGI. It is available for streaming on Oculus TV and Youtube, or to download in high qiality as an app on Oculus and SteamVR stores.
Over 87K views on Oculus TV !!
Check out “The Haunted Ride” on OculusTV in this link
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The Haunted Ride VR app
The Haunted Ride app is used to download the movie in high quality and provide a smooth playback experience for the viewer. It is available for download on the Oculus, Steam, and Sidequest VR stores.
App’s Privacy Policy -
The Haunted Ride’s app does not collect any user data whatsoever. It is a closed app only to download the movie in HD